Wednesday, February 16, 2011

O'Reilly Meme

Daily process for Bill O'Reilly: Step One, Open mouth. Step Two, Insert Foot.

It seems that O'really? has recently completely failed at a basic science question that your average fifth grader could explain, and in doing so has been made into a meme. The twist was that this question was concerning god's role in creating the moon.

O'Reilly's fallacious argument for justification for his belief in god: "The tide comes in, the tide goes out. Never a miscommunication. YOU [Dave Silverman, President of American Atheists] can't explain that."

Well due to the unfortunate fact that almost everybody who graduated kindergarten could, in fact, explain that, O'Reilly's stupidity has caused him to be made into an advice-dog style meme, with his face and text superimposed over a colorful background.

O'Reilly deserves all the dishonor he receives and then some for his use of a childlike infinite regressive fallacy. I therefore choose to share with you every picture I have saved ridiculing this disgrace to American society.
Yes it was a relatively long post, but I can't help but feel that this man's shame is worth it.


  1. Love these pictures.

  2. God Bill O'Reilly is dumb, I'm glad he gets ripped apart on the Daily Show and Colbert Report all the time. Those pictures were great as well! Bread goes in toaster comes out brown, you can't explain that! haha

  3. Bill O'Reilly!! he is such a internet icon. the pics there are hilarious. great job

  4. Ah, maybe one day I'll get to be a meme?

    .... I can always dream ....

  5. "Bread goes down, Toasts comes up!"

    The great question of our age...

  6. oh god I lol'd

  7. This meme is so absurd it's funny.

  8. We all laugh, but what's terrifying is that there are people out there who believe what he says. And not just one or two random idiots, there's a worryingly large number of Americans who are happy to believe whatever bullshit Fox feeds them.

  9. i hate people that are o'reilly level stubborn and fickle.

  10. These are pretty funny. I can't believe people actually listen to that guy.
